Friday, October 25, 2013

The Next Milepost

It has been quite a journey. A journey which has taken me to the other side of the earth. A journey that traces its roots to a small town in Iowa about 13 years ago. I was a cross country truck driver waiting for my trailer to be loaded for a trip back home to Phoenix. The snow laid heavy all around me for the second day and I was stuck in my truck engaged in a knock down drag out fight with God.

God had been bugging me for a while about going into full time ministry. He was calling me to be a preacher, or a pastor, or something like that. I wanted no part of that. I was horrified of the thought of getting up in front of people and preaching God's Word. I was armed with all my Moses arguments as to why I was not able to do what He was calling me to do. I lifetime of driving a truck was my backside of the wilderness and Marshalltown, Iowa was the location of my burning bush.

As with Moses, God was not going to be denied. He broke my will and I gave in. I knew I could not do this without the Lord by my side, directing my path.

He put people in my life to help guide me along the way. Pastor Randy Southwick had been my friend and mentor up to that point and he helped mentor me afterwards with a different purpose in mind.

This morning we were reminiscing as we recalled how God has brought me up to this weekend. Sunday, October 27, 2013, is the day I pass the next milepost. I am being ordained as a pastor. It is evidence that God has a sense of humor. He has taken a truck driver and made me into a shepherd.

I am humbled that Calvary Community Church would ordain me. God wrestled me with me until I tapped out on that snowy day, 13 years ago, and I couldn't be happier. I love what he has me doing now. He has even given me a love for the people and land of India. As I write this post I am getting ready for the India Fellowship we have every Friday evening and I am planning my second trip to India.

I am a happy and blessed man. Sunday is not the finish line...just the next milepost.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Little Graces

I am coming off one of the most difficult, no, THE most difficult week I have had since I've been involved in ministry. I received the call that every pastor dreads. The call in the night that sends a pastor running out of the house, half awake, to go be with a wife as she stands by the hospital bed of her husband who was involved in an accident.

About 24 hours later I am with her again, for the third time, as the doctors take her husband off of life support. In just a few more hours he is resting peacefully in the arms of Christ. I drive home, in the middle of the night, alone, weeping. Grieving over what I've just witnessed. Grieving over a young widow, with a severely handicapped son, who is now without the man she loves to help her take care of their son. Grieving over the toll sin requires from each of us. Grieving, because this is just not the way it's supposed to be.

The funeral was requested for just two days later. The family wanted me to perform the memorial; I was just physically and emotionally exhausted. I had nothing left to give. Some of the other pastors lifted the weight from my shoulders and took care of it from there for me. That was one of those little graces.

Little graces are those times when God sends someone or something into your life to show you He cares for you. We have all had them. You may have overlooked them, but He sends them anyway. Have you ever slowed down enough to notice them?

Here are a few of the little graces I've noticed in my life these past few days.

Having fellow pastors to come along side to lift you up when you are weary. Thanks guys. Little graces.

Taking a mid term exam in seminary and earning a D. The professor adjusts my score to a B. Thanks Dr. D. Little graces.

Holding a friends 10 month old son and he doesn't deposit any bodily fluids on me. Thanks Seth. Little graces.

Hearing of real life change happening in the India Fellowship as we grow. Little graces.

Sharing a meal with my bride as we celebrate 33 years of marriage. Thanks Denice. Little graces.

Talking to my daughter on the phone. Thanks Sara. Little graces.

If you sit down and get still with God, He will show you some of the little graces He has sent your way. Try it. You might be surprised and that would be one of those little graces.

Grace and peace to you my friend.