Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vision India 2012 Prayer Points

The time is drawing near for our departure to India. I appreciate your prayer for Darrell and myself as we make the final preparations. I am listing our itinerary and some strategic prayer points for the trip. God has provided for us in some amazing ways but we are not fully funded as of today. We are resting in the Lord for His provision. His budget for us is not always our budget. As my pastor says, "Where God guides, God provides."


2/4  Leave Phoenix
2/6  Arrive in Bangalore, India
2/6  Leave Bangalore for Vijayawada in a prop plane
2/7  Visit a ministry in Guntur
2/8 thru 2/9  Visit ministries around Vijayawada
2/10 thru 2/11  Visit ministries around Khammam
2/11  Leave Khammam for Chennai by overnight train
2/12  Visit a ministry in Chennai
2/12  Leave Chennai for Bangalore by overnight train
2/13 thru 2/18  Visit ministries around Bangalore
2/19  Leave Bangalore
2/19  Arrive in Frankfurt, Germany and visit family in Aschaffenberg
2/20  Leave Frankfurt
2/20  Arrive back home in Phoenix


God's direction
Spiritual insight and discernment
Our spouses while we are away
Travel - Planes, trains, and automobiles
The ministries we will be visiting - Rural village and city churches, orphanages, leper colonies
The people God will put in our path

Thank you all for your interest in what the Lord is doing in and through us. I covet your prayer and your encouragement has meant more to me than you could ever know. This is a grand adventure Jesus has us on. Thanks again for being a part of it.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vision India Prayer Letter

It all started at a football game. I was sitting next to a friend of mine, Darrell, when out of left field he said, "You and I should take a mission trip to India."

Being a seasoned churchgoer, I mustered up my most spiritual answer, "Yeah, sure. I'll pray about that." Of course I was really thinking: "I don't want to go to India. I never have and I never will. I'm just saying I'll pray about it in the hope that you’ll forget about it by the next time I see you." But, as usual, God was several steps ahead of me in the process.  During the next 48 hours He orchestrated a series of events that not only confirmed my call to India, but also changed my heart toward the people and the mission field there. You can read the full story at my blog, truckstoptheologian.blogspot.com, under the Vision India 2012 post.

I cannot ignore the fire that God has kindled in my heart for the people and land of India. I believe He is calling me to go and see the work He is doing there already, and to show us how we, the community of believers in Phoenix, can be used to further that work.

Darrell and I are going to India for the first two weeks of February 2012. We will be visiting several ministries throughout southern India. From city churches to rural churches in Hindu villages, orphanages, leper homes, and school ministries.  We will even be visiting an orphanage that is raising girls who were rescued from infanticide because the parents wanted a boy.

We desperately need and cherish your prayer support. India is saturated with millions of false gods and idols; behind each is a demonic spirit. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we do not war against flesh and blood but against "spiritual forces of wickedness." King David said in 1 Samuel 17:47, "The battle is the Lord's." We trust the Lord will protect us as you lift us up in prayer.

Would you please commit to pray for us as we go? There are several specific things that you can join us in praying for: 1) We have a great deal of preparation to do before we leave in terms of logistics, packing and communications with host ministries. 2) Please pray that we receive the funds we need for the trip. 3) Pray for the people the Lord will put in our path while we are there. 4) For our health and safety. And 5) Pray that the Spirit will give us clarity as to the nature and extent of our future involvement with the ministries we encounter.

The Lord has called us to step out in faith, so here we go. I look forward to sharing with you how God uses us, and you, on this trip.

God Bless,
Brian Gandy