Thursday, February 19, 2015

One Of Those Days!

Have you ever had one of those days? Today I had one of those days...and it's not over with yet. Although it's been one of those days it is probably not exactly what you're thinking.

It started out with a breakfast meeting with a man who I've been meeting with while he is awaiting trial. His future is uncertain and he is seperated from his wife and children by thousands of miles of dirt and water. I have watched the Lord move in his life and transform his character. What once started off as a meeting with a man with no hope has turned into listening to him talk about the books he found at a thrift store that will help him learn to be the man-husband-father God has always intended him to be. Where he once was selfabsorbed now he finds ways to bless others. His countanance has changed from gloomy and depressing to bright and cheery. This was good for my soul.

Next I went to the children's hospital to pray for a 3 week old boy with Down's Syndrome. They are trying to fatten him up so he can undergo heart surgery to repair a heart defect. His mother was an encouragement to me as she so lovingly cared for her handsome little son. She smiled as she told me that God had specifically chosen her to care for this precious gift. This was good for my soul.

Now it was time for lunch with a colleague. I had the joy of sharing a good meal with a good friend. The lunch was Indian food. This was good for my soul.

I had the opportunity to pray for relief from demonic activity for a young lady who has suffered from abuse of all sorts from the men in her life who should have been protecting her. After we prayed for her she prayed to give her life to Jesus. This was good for my soul.

From there I drove to the far side of the Valley to pray with a beloved saint whose race is nearing the finish line. I met him and his dear wife in Israel 7 years ago. We prayed for him 4 years back when the doctors told him the cancer would take his life within 6-7 months. Four years later the doctors are still amazed. He praised his Saviour for His goodness. I told him I love him and that the next time I see him will be on the other side. He smiled and drifted back off to sleep. This was good for my soul.

Now I am having a good cup of coffee while I write this blog post. This is good for my soul.

In an hour I will be meeting with a group of South Asian leaders from various Indian fellowship across the Valley as we spend time in prayer together. Different ministries seeking the Lord's guidance as we reach out to the Indian community for Jesus Christ. Men on their knees crying out to the Lord. This is good for my soul.

This has proven to be quite a day. I could use more days like this day. "One of those days" like this are good for my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, dear Brian, that is the pain of real ministry that Paul spoke of in 2. Corinthians. Good reminder, dear brother. Brother, twice over.
